California State Senator Doug LaMalfa Visits Packing Facility
Posted by Jonathan Johnson on 6/11/2012 to

California state Senator Doug LaMalfa recently visited the production facility where the personal protection equipment kits that we sell here at are packed.
Is the Blood-Borne Tropical Disease Chagas the New AIDS of the Americas?
Posted by Jonathan Johnson on 6/3/2012 to
Medically known as American trypanosomiasis, the disease called Chagas kills 20,000 people annually.
Washington State First to Demand Personal Protection Equipment for Handling of Chemotherapy Drugs
Posted by Jonathan Johnson on 5/27/2012 to
As of late April, 2012, Washington State became the first state in the U.S. to adopt strict workplace safety rules for healthcare workers involved in the handling and administration of chemotherapy and other hazardous drugs.
2012 National Patient Safety Goals from the Joint Commission
Posted by Jonathan Johnson on 5/17/2012 to
Accredidation by the Joint Commission is contingent upon a specific health organization meeting a variety of standards. Those elements include whether or not the health entity is compliant in achieving patient safety goals. To help health providers understand those goals, the commission annually releases a variety of publications.